我俯身捡起一片银杏树叶细细的端详起来。这片银杏树叶是金黄色的,只有叶子的边缘才只是有一点点的咖啡色;银杏叶像一个扇子一样,叶脉并不是很清楚了,银杏叶不管正面还是反面都非常柔软光滑,像一条金黄色的丝绸,闻起来还掺杂着淡淡的清香。I leaned over and picked up a ginkgo leaf and looked it over carefully. The leaves of the Ginkgo biloba are golden, only a little bit of coffee on the edge of the leaves; the leaves of Ginkgo biloba, like a fan, are not very clear. The leaves of Ginkgo biloba are very soft and smooth, like a golden silk, with a light fragrance